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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Living the Life

Eight months ago if you'd have heard the following conversation happen in my house you'd have thought my husband and I were both drunk.  We weren't.

D:  I'll take this and the last yogurt for lunch tomorrow.
ME:  The LAST yogurt?  Seriously?  What happened?  Did we go on a yogurt binge or did I just not buy very much yogurt this week?
D:  Uh, both?
ME:  Oh.  Crap.

Eight months ago the conversation would have been about chips or cookies or something as equally bad/fattening/delicious.  I'd made a comment similar to this at last week's WW meeting and I think I've mentioned it before that when you go to the fruit bowl/vegetable shelf/etc..  and it's empty (or nearly empty) and you're disappointed you know you're living the WW life.  This is clearly a good thing as it's working well for us.  Plus we feel better, at least I know I do. 

Apparently I feel so good I let my sister would convince me to go to a Jazzercise class!!  An unexpected trip to Oshkosh meant that I got to spend some time with my fabulous sister and brother-in-law.  My brother and his family was sick so I avoided them, respectfully.  Honestly, I kinda thought Jazzercise was a thing of the past.  I also thought that I wouldn't be able to do it.  I am delighted to tell you that I was absolutely wrong on both counts.  The music they play is contemporary (though I'll never think of Katy Perry without wanting to get out an exercise band now!) and really keeps your energy level high.  The instructor was fabulous because she would show both the high impact moves but also remind us there was a low impact option for those of us who weren't able to handle the higher level of intensity.  I had a great time even though there were parts I couldn't keep up with.  To add to the fun, a group of the ladies who were at the class go for coffee after class.  That's what initially sucked me in but I'm really glad I went.  Everyone congratulated me on making it through my first class and for how well I did.  I think they were lying but it wasn't church so we're fine.  :)

Apparently this, in addition to the walking/yoga/weights I did last week really helped out because this week when I got on the scale I knew I was down and I was excited.  I lost another 2.4 pounds!!  This is almost 80 pounds total.  That's an Olsen twin for crying out loud!

PS - If you're looking for a new workout place - check out your local Jazzercise class.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.  Plus if you're near Oshkosh, WI - in March they are offering a free class on Saturdays.  The class starts at 8:30 am but plan to arrive 15 minutes early because there is some paperwork that has to be filled out.  Oh, and tell Sue I said hello!

Enjoy your week peeps!

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