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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Don't know what I did ....

At my weigh-in today I thought Martha, the WW receptionist, was crazy.  Straight up bat shit, going to the crazy house crazy.  She told me I'd lost 4 pounds.  FOUR POUNDS!!  No way, I said, you mean I lost four tenths of a pound.  Then she showed me the computer screen.  Dumbfounded I looked from the computer screen to my tracker and back again.  Then I did a double take.  Oh my ... oops.  She was right.  So I'm sorry about that crazy comment Martha.  That one was my bad.

Now, don't get me wrong I am thankful that I lost weight.  I'm especially thankful that I lost such a large amount.  I am however questioning HOW I did it and how to make it happen again.  I realize, after the last two years of trial and error (e.g. gains and losses) that not every week is a loss and certainly not a multiple pound loss.  It is, however, pretty common for me to weigh-in and think about what I did over the week and figure out what worked or what went tragically wrong.  This week I didn't have an epic workout week like I did two weeks ago (earned 72 activity points but was EXHAUSTED) so maybe it was the effort in trying to  stay within my daily points target?  I'm not sure (and Dan told me to stop hypothesizing on it).

Dan's other piece of sage advice when I told him I lost the weight and didn't know how?  Just do that again next week.

Do you ever have weeks where the scale tells you something fabulous but you wonder when the other shoe will drop?  Show me some love in the comments and tell me about it.


  1. That is awesome. I never lose more than a pound a week. I'd be going nuts. Congrats!

    1. Thanks Abby!! I just need to learn to stop over analyzing the why of it and enjoy it (and obviously continue to work for the same thing next week!) :)

  2. Analysis Paralysis!!! I'm with Dan...just enjoy it and do it again next week. Awesome job!

    1. WOW - you totally nailed that one on the head. Ok, I give up. I lost it and it's great and now I'm moving on. Thanks for the reality check Sheri!

  3. Jen that is so great!!! I have had weeks like that before and I still wonder.. I sometimes wonder if I switched up my eating habits that week.. Good for you :)

    1. Thank you! I guess it could have been anything but whatever it was it was wonderful. Maybe I'd just been waiting for that ego boost?! Who knows!
